A thought about AI and biases in the training process

It's important to highlight an aspect that often goes unnoticed but is significant in AI and machine learning.

When discussing AI, we often refer to LLMs or large language models. These models and their reliability are intricately tied to the data they're trained on. The larger models are trained on vast amounts of internet data, which, as we all know, can be a mixed bag of information. As Abraham Lincoln wisely said, "You can't believe everything you read on the internet."

Machine learning and AI can amplify any biases in the training data. Consequently, major companies with products in this field have large teams of people who review data sets and assess their reliability by tagging the data. This manual review process, while not perfect, plays a crucial role in mitigating biases. The more data that is reviewed, the lower the likelihood of mistakes. At this stage in the development of AI language models, the effectiveness of these manual review processes will have a significant impact on the accuracy of AI outputs, possibly even more so than the number of parameters and the algorithms used. Some, like Elon Musk, have referred to this practice as being "woke". Failing to carry out these manual reviews will likely lead to AI failures because historical data for machine learning is often not the best predictor, and doing so is akin to abandoning critical thinking.

For instance, Apple and Goldman Sachs collaborated to create a credit card that uses AI to determine credit limits. The AI was trained using data from previous applicants. As a result, women and applicants from minority groups were less likely to be approved or received lower credit limits compared to white males, even if the white males had lower incomes. This bias occurred because the data indicated that, historically, women and minority applicants were less likely to be given high credit limits.

Another example is when law enforcement agencies use AI to allocate resources to specific areas based on predictions. The result of using these tools without care is a concentration of police presence in historically poor or minority areas, perpetuating historical biases.

The key differentiator among significant players is how effectively they handle biases to cater to their respective markets. OpenAI's GPT, Google's Gemini, Microsoft's CoPilot, Meta's Llama, xAI's Grok, and others target different markets. The main question for AI currently is how effectively they can achieve their objectives, whether the markets will converge or diverge, and, therefore, which companies will come out on top.

My 2c - I'll add more later

Act! CRM Log Files and Config Locations #ActCRM

Config and Log Files

A number of people have asked about the locations of the various log and config files in Act!, so I thought I would compile a list and post it here.

If there's enough interest, I might update this list later with the descriptions and functions of the various options in the config files.

If you want to know about any specific file or option, let me know in the comments.

For the most part, they are sorted by extension then name within each location.

%ProgramFiles%\ACT\Act for Windows
*for versions prior to v24, if on a 64bit Windows, use: %ProgramFiles(x86)%\ACT\Act for Windows


%ProgramFiles%\ACT\Act for Windows\Tools


%ProgramFiles%\ACT\ACT for Windows\ACT Network Sync


%ProgramFiles%\ACT\ACT for Windows\ACTInternetSync




%ProgramFiles%\ACT\Act for Web\logs






%appdata%\ACT\ACT Data


%appdata%\ACT\ACT Data\Preferences


%localappdata%\Integration Services Patch for Act!





To turn on the logging, you need to go to %ProgramFiles%\ACT\Act for Windows
Edit the file:ActOutlookAddIn.dll.config (in Notepad)
Search for "DebugLog" and change the value to "true"





%ProgramData%\Act\ACT Data


%ProgramData%\Act\ACT Data\Indices\[DatabaseName]


%ProgramData%\Act\ACT Data\Indices\[DatabaseName]_Attachments


%ProgramData%\Swiftpage ACT! LLC\(build number)\







Trusted Platform Module has Malfunctioned in Outlook or Teams with an error about the keyset – Error code 80090016 #TPM


I rarely post items unrelated to CRM (either product or technology). However, I recently had a challenge that took some effort to resolve with Windows 11 and the TPM. I even contacted Microsoft and Dell technical support, and neither could resolve it. So I want to put it out there for anyone else searching the web for a solution.

What is the TPM (Trusted Platform Module)?

The TPM is a secure crypto-processor. It’s a chip within your computer that adds hardware support for cryptographic functions like encryption and authentication. Using hardware for these makes the system more secure as it’s considerably more difficult for someone to hack the system than to interfere with the software. In addition, it is designed to be tamper-resistant, and malicious software should not be able to tamper with it.

It generates and stores cryptographic keys as well as having its own unique RSA key burnt in. Some areas that can use TPM include drive and network encryption routines (like BitLocker) or the authentication of accounts. Microsoft Work/School accounts use this now on Windows 11, where it is a requirement.

The Error.

If there is a problem with the keyset, you might get this error:

TPM keyset error: Your computer’s Trusted Platform Module has malfunctioned. If this error persists, contact your system administrator with the error code 80090016.
TPM keyset error with Office 365 Authentication

Your computer’s Trusted Platform Module has malfunctioned. If this error persists, contact your system administrator with the error code 80090016.
More information: https://www.microsoft.com/wamerrors

Unfortunately, like so many of Microsoft’s built-in links on errors, that link provides no helpful information or assistance.

The Cause.

As far as I can tell, the issue happens if you need to clear the TPM keys, which you might need for a firmware update, or if something damages its keyset.

The Solutions.

There were several recommended solutions I found online, though none of them worked for me. However, to be complete, I will include them here. I suggest you try them in the order listed, then reboot and test to see if it worked before trying the next.

Backup your data before trying any of these options!

Solution 1:

Note: You need to do this step with the affected user account logged off. This might mean using a different administrator account or sharing the parent folder temporarily and connecting via the network.

Rename the following folder:


Reboot and try opening Outlook and/Teams.

Solution 2:

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Browse to C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Microsoft\NGC
  3. Delete everything in this folder.
    Note: you need to grant yourself access to the folders.
  4. Reboot and try Outlook and/or Teams with that account.

Solution 3:

Note: backup your registry before this step.

  1. Sign out from Microsoft Office and MS Teams, and close all 365 apps.
  2. In RegEdit, navigate to this key:
  3. Modify the key called EnableAdal and set it to 1.
    If it doesn’t exist, create it as a DWORD.
  4. Delete the ADAL Authentication Profile for the afflicted user account.
    1. Navigate to this key:
    2. Export that folder for a backup.
    3. Look in each of the folders for the one with the email address of the account.
      When you click on the folder, you can see the key EmailAddress on the right.
    4. Record the name of the folder. If you need Solution 4, you’ll need the GUID (the part of the folder name before “_ADAL”).
    5. Delete the folder.

      ADAL Identity Profile Registry Key
      ADAL Identity Profile Registry Key

  5. Reboot and try logging in to Outlook and teams. It will ask you to activate the account again.

Solution 4:

The above steps worked on two machines, but with a third, I had to go further.

  1. Navigate to this key:
  2. Use Ctrl-F to search for the email address and delete the appropriate folders.
  3. Use Ctrl-F to search for the GUID (from Solution 3, 4d) and delete the appropriate folders.
  4. Open the TPM console (Windows Key – R > TPM.msc).
  5. Clear TPM.
  6. This will automatically reboot, and you can then try Outlook, Teams, or any other 365 apps.

Please add a comment if you have any other questions or suggestions.

More Information on TPM at these links:

Lazarus recognised as Trusted Expert by @ExpertsExchange

Mike Lazarus - Experts Exchange Trusted ExpertGL Computing is proud to announce that Mike Lazarus has achieved another honour unique to the Act! world.

Experts Exchange has recognised him as a Trusted Expert for 2019 in their new acknowledgement for Certified Professionals.

When a crisis strikes, you want help from experts you can trust. Experts Exchange’s Certified Professionals have real-world experience, maintain top certifications, demonstrate high levels of professionalism, are well-known and remain highly dedicated to sharing their knowledge with users like you.

As the second-highest level of recognition, Trusted Experts have proven to be trustworthy and knowledgeable through their continued professional interactions on site.

Experts Exchange encourages users like you to network with these vetted, passionate individuals who are committed to staying current with certifications and the industry’s latest best practices.

Meet the Certified Professionals - Trusted Experts 

See Mike Lazarus's Profile on Experts Exchange

Mike is also the world’s only Certified Act! Expert – Sanctioned by Swiftpage.

Important Licensing Notice for all Act! CRM Customers

Act! Circle LogoAct! Licensing Software Update

We have recently been informed that an embedded third-party software component of Act! that facilitates licensing services (Protexis) is being discontinued by the manufacturer at the end of 2018. As of January 1st, 2019, depending on what version of Act! you are running, there will be necessary steps that need to be taken to ensure uninterrupted access. You can read the statement from Swiftpage, here

This affects all Act! users

All Act! users will need to upgrade.

If you're on an old version, Act! may stop working in January.
If you have v18.2 or newer, YOU WILL NEED A PATCH
To Check Your Version in Act! – Help Menu > About Act!

As of January 1st, 2019, customers who haven’t updated Act! will no longer be able to:

  • Install Act! on new machines
  • Re-activate Act! on existing machines
  • Modify your user count
  • Make key modifications to existing machines (eg. Motherboard swap, network card swap)

If you make any of the changes listed above, your Act! product will fail to re-activate and you will lose access to the software completely.

*Note: If you are a NEW Act! customer (I.e. you are not upgrading from a different version), and you have purchased v21 on or after November 19th, 2018, you will NOT be affected by this issue.

Please refer to the obsolescence policy for your region below:

See below for the necessary steps for your version and the expected dates for updates.

If you have any questions, or need any help, please contact GL Computing by clicking on this button:

Contact GL Computing

Licensing Software Update: v17 and earlier


Because you are on a retired version of Act! you are no longer eligible to receive critical updates and enhancements. In order to ensure uninterrupted access to your product, you must upgrade to latest version of Act! by December 31st, 2018.

More info

Licensing Software Update: v18.2


Version 18 will be unsupported from Nov 30th 2018 as per the obsolescence policy linked above. In order to ensure uninterrupted access to your product, it is strongly recommended that you upgrade to latest version of Act! by December 31, 2018.

Should you elect not to upgrade to Act! v21, we have decided to make available a one-time update for v18.2 products that seeks to address this specific issue in January, 2019. We cannot and do not make any representations as to how long this one-time update will provide the functionality of Act! that you expect. Please note that this decision to provide you with the update in this instance shall not be precedent, or require us to provide, neither now nor in the future, any fixes for additional issues that may or will arise after the date of obsolescence as specified in the Act! Support Obsolescence Policy.

More info →

Licensing Software Update: v19, v20 and v21


In order to ensure uninterrupted access to your product, you must apply the update provided before December 31st, 2018.

More info

What’s new and fixed in Act! updates

To see what’s new and what issues have been fixed in updates for your version, click here.

Winmail.dat replaces attachments sent by Office 365

attachment-winmailWhat is RTF, TNEF and Winmail.dat?

Outlook can use a special method, technically referred to as Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF), to package information for sending messages. The use of TNEF is affected by settings in Outlook that are referred to as Rich Text Format (RTF). TNEF and RTF are not identical, but they are very similar.

A TNEF-encoded message contains a plain text version of the message and a binary attachment that "packages" various other parts of the original message. In most cases, the binary attachment is named Winmail.dat, and it includes the following information (if included in the message):

  • The formatted text version of the message (ie, font and colours).
  • OLE objects (such as embedded pictures and embedded Office documents).
  • Special Outlook features (I.e., custom forms, voting buttons, and meeting requests).
  • Regular file attachments that were attached to the original message.

Where to check for RTF settings in Outlook

When RTF is not working as expected (either all messages are RTF, or Meeting Requests and Voting are not working) there are several settings your need to check in Outlook.

Note: Exchange server administrators can also control RTF to Internet addresses. If the administrator disables RTF to Internet addresses, the settings in Outlook will not override them.

Global Properties

Composing new messages:

Outlook 2010, 2013, or Outlook 2016: File, Options, Mail and at the top. Set “Compose messages in this format” to HTML.

Outlook-TNEF Convert to HTML

Use this setting to control how messages created using RTF formatting or that require TNEF encoding are handled. If this is set to plain text or HTML formatting, Voting and Meeting Requests may not work unless you override the setting using Email properties.

Outlook 2010, 2013, or Outlook 2016: File, Options, Mail and scroll to the bottom of the dialog and set “When sending messages in Rich Text Format to Internet recipients” to “Convert to HTML format”.

Outlook-TNEF Convert to HTML

Recommended setting: Convert to HTML. Outlook will send all messages to the Internet using HTML unless you change the email properties (below).

Outlook 2007 and older: Go to Tools, Options, Email Format, Internet Options button.

You can also change the settings on a per-contact level by opening the contact card and double-clicking on the email address.

Registry Setting

If nothing seems to be working and you use Outlook 2007 SP2 or newer, you can use a registry value to end TNEF encoding once and for all. This will affect your ability to use features that require TNEF encoding, including Voting and Meeting Requests in native Outlook format.

  1. Close Outlook
  2. Start Registry Editor (type regedit in the Start Search box or Start menu, Run command and press Enter)
  3. Locate the following registry key:
    1. In Outlook 2016:
    2. In Outlook 2013:
    3. In Outlook 2010:
    4. In Outlook 2007:
  4. Add a new DWORD named DisableTNEF.
  5. Double click on DisableTNEF and in the Value data box, type 1
  6. Close the Registry editor and Restart Outlook