Act! 20.1 Update 6 is a great release! #ActCRM

Act-Premium_Plus_CMYKToday, Swiftpage has released Update 6 for Act! 20.1 and it has some significant improvements. Enough to be a service pack rather than just an update.

Twenty-two new or enhanced features and 90 closed defects!

Yes, you read that right! The developers and QA guys at Swiftpage have been putting in some serious effort to get this done – and yes, for those who don’t know, I have been contracted to help with QA as their Certified Act! Expert (the only one in the world) for the past year.

And here is the list:

Outlook integration improvements

  1. When sending an email to a someone whose email address isn’t in the database, you now have the option to create a new contact or to attach the email to another contact.

    Outlook - Add new Act! contact when sending email
  2. You can now enter ID/Status when creating a new contact from Outlook.

    Outlook - Adding Act! contact with ID/Status
  3. A preference setting to auto-attach histories to contacts and NOT to your My Record.

    Outlook - Auto-Attach Act! History

User Interface Improvements

  1. A Documents Tab option to save the selected file locally

    Act! Documents Tab - Save
  2. Contact column should display by default on Group and Company history tab
  3. Display preferences tabs on two rows

    Act! Preferences - Two Tab Rows
  4. Enable 'Look for' field in list views by default
  5. Move Lookup > Favorites further down the menu
  6. Remove inactive paging controls under the calendar task view
  7. Allow 'Create Lookup' from multiple selected companies (Windows client only)

    Act! Companies Lookup

Act! Premium for Web Improvements

  1. Left align the big button menu
  2. Managing opportunity processes to use the same terminology as windows
  3. Reduce Act! icon file size to improve performance
  4. Version numbers displayed should match windows client

Improvements to the Update

  1. Update Act! Notification link to point at the “What's Fixed” KB article
  2. Includes new Custom Tables package

SDK Improvements for custom add-on developers

  1. Add event where a contact, group or company is added to an opportunity
  2. Add events where opportunity total is modified or recalculated
  3. Add events where a relationship is added to a contact
  4. Add open and close events for the layout editor
  5. Provide consistent event for LayoutLoaded
  6. Record Created events are inconsistent or missing

Defects Closed

  1. FR- APFW - Task list view/ Activity Tab - Edit and Delete links are truncated
  2. FR- APFW - History list / Tab - Edit and Delete links are truncated
  3. FR- APFW - Notes Tab - Edit and Delete links are truncated
  4. TS - FR - Text Overlaps Button Edges When Deleting Contacts.
  5. TS - When creating a History item and selecting the Type as Other, the follow up button on the local install is greyed out, however it remains active on APFW.
  6. TS - Rescheduling a recurring activity with attachment does not create a rescheduled activity.
  7. Windows - Companies - Update linked fields messaging was not updated for "update linked fields" button
  8. LC - DE– Browse button is truncated on Save Copy As dialog
  9. LC - CF - Truncation in emarketing profile
  10. LC-FR-“Post” should be “Code postal” on Contact Detail View.
  11. LC–FR-On the Copy/Move Contact Data page, the text can’t be showed fully.
  12. LC–FR-On the “Reset Menus and Toolbars” truncation
  13. LC-DE- The selection box of “Opportunity (select one)” is misaligned in Act! Emarketing--Webpage dialog.
  14. Two same hotkeys “Alt + S” appear in the “Schedule Activity” box.
  15. Chrome-User Log out automatically with an error message occurred after using “Attach File…”.
  16. LC-FR-APFW: Truncation display on the Activity part on contact detail view
  17. Chrome – Dashboard – The activity cannot be deleted when we select “delete all activities in the linked series”.
  18. LC-FR-APFW: There should be more space between these buttons and the dialog frame
  19. TS - Relate Contact Window cannot be resized.
  20. LC-FR: Truncation in Email System Setup Outlook Address Books page
  21. TS - Act! Network Sync Service Update refers to Act! Update
  22. Lock/Unlock filter slider text needs to be centered as it's topmost currently
  23. TS - APFW - DE - Spelling error in Emarketing Opt Out menu.
  24. Space needed for easier reading Monthly contact limit
  25. Unable to connect to sync server error is incorrect
  26. APFW - The “Send At” field displays blank in the “Next Scheduled Email Campaign” section
  27. TS - APFW - Defunct 6 month survey appears
  28. TS - APFW - Error in Application when trying to change password when 'User cannot change password' is enabled.
  29. White icons of ‘Product Reports’ & ‘Opportunity Reports’ appear in New Report dialog.
  30. The ‘Favorite’ icon was changed from icon to text after resetting the Columns in the contacts List View.
  31. TS - APFW - Deleted Activities in IE do not disappear from list without refreshing page
  32. APFW - Calculated fields allow blank if set before choosing "calculated" as field type
  33. APFW - Activities - Schedule for dialog displays current user instead of "created by"
  34. LC - DE/FR/CF - Pro Welcome Page isn't directed to the correct regional page.
  35. Act! Update package (20.0 u5) references ACT2000
  36. TS - APFW - Unable to filter task list by keyword in IE.
  37. No scrollbar when creating calculated field with long formula
  38. TS - APFW - The advanced query open window doesn't always close in IE11.
  39. TS - Unable to delete a complete activity series in IE.
  40. TS - APFW - When using the 'replace' option when importing into APFW, information that is not being imported is removed from the record.
  41. TS - APFW - Company activities tab showing all activities after lookup in IE.
  42. TS - APFW - Standard Users unable to create secondary contacts if 'Delete Records' permission removed.
  43. TS - APFW - Able to create a remote database from another remote database via Web.
  44. LC-DE- Truncation issue occurred on Emarkting Overview.
  45. TS - APFW - Attempting to delete an in use opportunity stage gives misleading error.
  46. DE - Act! Notification message contains truncated text
  47. TS - APFW - Removing a field from a database when included in a 'customised columns' selection causes a logout
  48. LC-DE/CF/FR: The help descriptions of all charts are not translated into German or French.
  49. TS - APFW - Logged out of web or error message after adding a document to a new contact
  50. TS - APFW - Alarms window not appearing after a session times out
  51. TS - Old databases open in 20 without needing to update
  52. LC - CF/FR –Truncation issue occurred in Select Contacts dialog.
  53. LC_FR/DE/CF Truncation issue occurred in Act! Update Details dialog.
  54. LC – CF/FR Truncation issue occurred in Contact Merge Options dialog when import database.
  55. APFW - IE - Selecting "delete all occurrences" of recurring activities still only deletes one
  56. LC-DE Truncation issue occurred on the ‘Create, edit, or delete drop-down lists’ dialog.
  57. LC – CF/FR Truncation issue occurred in Opportunity Graph Options dialog.
  58. LC – DE/CF/FR APFW - Truncation issue occurred in Opportunity Pipeline Options dialog.
  59. TS - ISPA.exe runs at 100% CPU on TS environments.
  60. LC – CF ‘Share’ button is not translated to French on Open/Share database dialog.
  61. LC-FR/CF/DE – Translation issue occur during the creation of custom tables.
  62. LC – FR/CF/DE ‘Delete local preferences’ prompt box is not translated to French/Germany.
  63. LC – FR/CF/DE Some contents are not translated to French/Germany in Map Entity Fields page for Custom Tables.
  64. LC – FR/CF/DE Translation issue occur in Customize Columns dialog for Custom Tables.
  65. TS - APFW - History Result incorrect when sending an aem campaign via Web.
  66. TS - Email address from Outlook contact is used instead of email address in Act!.
  67. LC – FR/CF/DE The prompt box name – ‘Custom Tables’ is not translated to French/German.
  68. LC-FR/CF/DE – The contents of all prompt boxes are not translated to French and German when edit a record in the custom table.
  69. LC – FR/CF/DE - Truncation issue occurs in Mail Merge Wizard (7 of 7) dialog when mail merge by E-mail.
  70. TS - Upgrading Pro Databases to Premium 20.1 does not always update the Product Tier correctly.
  71. LC-DE Truncation issue occurred for ‘This contact is dynamically included in the groups listed below’ on the ‘Dynamic Groups Membership’ dialog.
  72. LC – DE/CF/FR The ‘company field’ is overlapped by the field selection box in Define Fields dialog.
  73. LC – DE ‘Browse…’ button is wrapped in Import List Items dialog.
  74. TS - History has no line break after the Regarding field in preview pane
  75. TS - APFW - Unable to schedule an activity series in Chrome when one of the activities is in the past.
  76. APFW-Custom Tables-Create a 2 Number fields and a Calculated Numeric field, using the Number fields, in Custom table via APFW gives errors
  77. APFW - Custom Tables - Creating a Field in Custom Tables before creating a custom table logs user out of APFW
  78. APFW - Custom Tables - Editing a custom table calculated field gives an error.
  79. APFW - Custom Tables - Cannot edit custom table field name.
  80. APFW-Custom tables-Clicking on Picture field in Custom table Layout Designer for Web gives error
  81. APFW-Custom Tables-Create 2 Picture fields in Custom table and add an Image in each of the fields via APFW, last Image added, overrides both fields
  82. APFW - Custom Tables - Industry Template Library option is unresponsive
  83. Custom Tables-Creating a Calculated field, based on Numerics, does not validate formula.
  84. TS - Web Info tab - Open Browser link uses IE and not default browser
  85. LC-FR : Missing translation for “Address” in Contact detail view.
  86. Pressing keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F5 when viewing AEM in Act! causes an error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  87. Custom Tables - Calculated fields on Custom tables, break Schema export
  88. Deleting Series causes popup for delete recurring activity
  89. (Chrome) Warning in activity series doesn't let you continue
  90. Groups tree doesn't stick when navigating away

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